See if your prospective partner is a perfect match or a mistake in the making with The School of Life's revealing Compatibility Game.
Featuring a selection of provocative statements like "I want to go out less" and "It's OK to eat standing up, maybe from a jar", The Compatibility Game's 160 prompt cards will challenge you and your partner with the everyday issues that will shape your potential future together, and help you see if you're on the same page or reading from totally different books.
Prompt game
Set contains 160 card prompts
119mm x 118mm x 21mm
Made in the UK
See if your prospective partner is a perfect match or a mistake in the making with The School of Life's revealing Compatibility Game.
Featuring a selection of provocative statements like "I want to go out less" and "It's OK to eat standing up, maybe from a jar", The Compatibility Game's 160 prompt cards will challenge you and your partner with the everyday issues that will shape your potential future together, and help you see if you're on the same page or reading from totally different books.
Prompt game
Set contains 160 card prompts
119mm x 118mm x 21mm
Made in the UK
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